Saturday, October 13, 2007

When did we?

when did we all grow up and become adults?? when did life become so complicated with all these shades of grey?? things were so much easier when we were young and saw things in shades of white or black.... good or bad.. sweet or sour.. salt or pepper..... yes i know I'm getting carried away but i think u got the point.
At what point in our lives did we start to see grey?? is there a certain age? an initiation? does somthin have to happen to a child before they start seeing those shades of grey and rarely see white or black?? I cant remember the last time i saw somthing as pure white or darkest black.. everything comes in many shades.. and with all these shades.. how do u weigh out situations?? how do we know whats right or wrong anymore?

Sometimes i dont enjoy being an adult... and i long for the days when all that mattered was morning cartoons, if the weather would be nice enough to play outside and if i was going to be able to run to the store to buy some of my favorite candy. We didnt care about other things.. we didnt pay attention to those small details.. and we didnt further than that same evening.

Adulthood.. it just snuck up on us... and we didnt even see it coming. Infact most adults still dont realize it.

I've been thinking about all the small things in life that make me smile and are a great deal to me... here are just a few of my faved things:

Rhythmic swaying trees...
The smell of Babies...
The cold side of the pillow when u flip it over...
A cat's purr...
Christmas lights...
Suntan oils...
Swimming pool water and chlorine...
Good music while lazing around in the sun...
The sound of a camera's shutter...
Waking up with the sun shining in your face...
A really good nights sleep...

uhm... yea i guess that was a bit more than a few... and it think i can go on with some more to add to the list.. but instead.. I'm just gona stop here... :)

p.s. was going to upload new pics for u to see.. but for some reason it wont let me upload anything.. *shrug*


Baby Rockstar said...

It's very difficult to identify that point in time when we became adults, or when we started seeing grey, largely in part because it isn't just one, singular point, but a series of points that started sometime during our first heartbreak. Heartbreak here doesn't necessarily mean anything romantic, it could be a disappointment, a loss, a failure. Anything that made us realize that sometimes, we can't predict the outcome.

AphroditeShari said...

yea but why aren't we able to see the whites and blacks anymore?? everything has become blurs of diff shades of grey.

DeVille said...

before anything else...i just love watching the slow dancing of the sleepy leaves on trees.:D i'm gonna take pictures of the trees in the university i go to. you'll love em. and you'll get what i meant by sleepy leaves.:D

adulthood...there's actually a kidulthood stage. its the stage when your both..its the only stage you can choose to be. extend your childhood just as i have and you'll feel better. go out and play!:D

AphroditeShari said...

slow dancing of sleepy leaves... do the leaves hang low??
i can just imagine it now... Im sure i'll love it... just from the name.

and trust me.. i do go out and play... i play alot.. its the moments in life that force you to act like an adult and change the way your thinking are the moments that i dont like..

Baby Rockstar said...

I think that when we were kids, we assign white to the good things, and black to the bad things. Because life was so much simpler, everything was categorized as good or bad. The different shades of grey represent whatever we can't categorize as good or bad, just in between, overlapping each other. When we cross over to adulthood, suddenly, all the things we thought was good is bad for us, and vice versa.

In that film Finding Neverland, Johnny Depp's character says that children grow up a little every morning they wake up, so they should all be allowed to sleep late every night. I think the rule applies to us. =) Tomorrow has been postponed.

AphroditeShari said...

yay to no tomorrows :P

ok.. so if we sleep all day is there anyway to reverse these terrible affects that waking up mornings has done to us? ;)

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